Hello everyone, hope everybody is enjoying the weather. Please take the time to look twice for motorcycles. After all it is riding season. Be safe and please take time to enjoy Gods many blessings.
Bikers are some of the greatest folks I have ever had the honor to know. A good friend of ours Earl Leonard was telling Pork and I that his blood brother’s heart was only working at 25% and half his foot had been cut off due to health reasons. Earl was worried because he knew his brother needed a ramp built to his house for a wheelchair. Pork and I told Earl we would do a poker run with as many bikers as we could round up. We titled it WesMann’s Ride For The Ramp. We would raise as much money as we could to help buy the lumber needed to get this done. So, on April 29th, 2023, we rolled out of Black Wolf Harley Davidson with 70 bikes. Some folks knew Wesley, some knew Earl, some knew Pork & I but some didn’t even know Wesley (the man in need of help). These folks showed up to give of themselves, their time, money, love and support. We rolled through the countryside to US 421 where Sullivan County Cops blocked the road to keep us safe. We rolled onto Highway 19E where Carter County Cops blocked the road so we could continue roar into 19E Pit Stop where more folks were gathered waiting for our arrival so they could give some more to help our cause. Lynnae Moon, a 13-year-old girl who loves to sing was there playing music. We then rolled through the back roads of Carter County and Washington County to Tulips in Johnson City where even more folks were waiting on us. We did a 50/50, door prizes and an auction. We raised a lot of money and even had an electric wheelchair donated. Grant Construction is donating time and the equipment needed to demo the steps, folks are volunteering their time to help with demo and building the ramp. We still need money and help to widen the doors in his home, but all in all it was a great day for a great cause.
When you see a large group of bikes roaring down the road know this most likely we are paying to ride for a cause to help others in need. Move over and let us do what we do best, HELP OTHERS. Don’t mow your grass in the road you could get us killed. Yes, we are bikers but live our lives by the code of respect. We are mothers, fathers, sons, daughters, grandfathers, grandmothers, we too have families who are at home waiting for our safe return. Take time to get to know us. You just might make a new friend.
Useless Facts:
1. The month of May was originally named for the Greek goddess Maia.
2. In Gregorian calendar, May has 31 days.
3. May is a time of beginnings and fertility.
4. It is customary to wear a rose in your hair on May Day.
5. May is also known for being one of the most deadly months for tornadoes.
6. Memorial Day, or Decoration Day, is a US holiday observed on the last Monday in May.
7. The birthstone for May is the emerald.
8. The zodiac signs for May are Taurus (until May 20) and Gemini (May 21 onwards).
9. The birth flower for May is the Lily of the Valley.
10. May’s famous for many things, but did you know it’s National Strawberry Month?
Local Events:
1. State Street Tattoo Fest May 19th to 21st State Street Bristol
2. Chapel Hart & 8 Second Ride May 28th East TN Distillery
3. Bug Tussle June 2nd to June 4th Elizabethton, TN
4. Thunder Valley Nationals June 9th to 11th
5. WNC Jeep Fest June 9th to 11th Maggie Valley
6. Bonnaroo June 15th – 18th Manchester, TN
Bike Night:
1. Wednesday – 19E Pit Stop
2. Wednesday – Jonesboro VFW – Dog Tags
3. Thursday - Quaker Steak & Lube
4. Friday - Tulips
1. Ride To Fight Suicide May 27th 9am Black Wolf
1. Myrtle Beach Spring Rally May 12th to 21st
2. True Son MC 37th Bike Rally June 2nd to June 4th
3. Boone Bike Rally June 2nd to June 4th
4. 9th Annual Snake Pit Bike Rally in Shady Valley, TN June 9th to June 11th
5. Junebug Boogie Bike Rally June 15th – 18th Cookeville TN
6. Thunder In The Smokies June 30th – July 2nd Maggie Valley, NC
7. 55th Dirt Drags Boozy Creek June 30th – July 2nd