Hello once again, hope everyone enjoyed Bike week at the beach. This week I thought I would give you a run down about The 8th Annual Snake Pit Bike Rally. I am writing about the Snake Pit Rally cause; well, it is our rally.
Here is a little history about this rally. Eight years ago, my brother Jeff told me about a little boy who needed some help. I didn’t know the child, but I soon met him. So, we went to do poker run entitled Brody’s Run. We rallied as many bikers as we could. While we were sitting things in motion we were ask if we could start the ride with breakfast and end it in Shady Valley in our backyard. So, we let folks camp, had a few fireworks, bike games and a friend to bring his guitar and play a few tunes. Pork and I didn’t have a stage for him play on. My brother went out and got door prizes, set up the ride. The following year things got bigger before long it was a rally. Spiderman jumping out of an airplane, bigger fireworks, bigger bands, you get the picture. My brother, Pork and I helped this family every year until Brody didn’t need us anymore. So now Pork and I have built a very nice stage with a roof, a tiki bar, bought everything we need to do bike games etc.… Now this is known as The Snake Pit Bike Rally. It’s a 3-day event starting on Friday and ending on Sunday with a church service. Although Brody doesn’t need us we still give our proceeds back to a local charity.
If you would like to attend here is the information you will need. It is June 10th to June 12th. You must be 21 to attend, $15 per person on Friday night, $20 per person on Saturday night or the weekend rate $30 per person. You can bring a RV, Bus or tent but must be self-contained as this is our backyard with a few acres so there is room.
Everyone welcome, you don't have to have a bike.
Sponsors: Biker Wear - 19E Pit Stop – Loafer - Fireworks World - Baker Contraction
There are 3 rides on Saturday June 11th First Ride Meet Buddy Shaffer at Tulips 12 noon KSU 12:30 Roll to 19E Pit Stop Then to the Snake Pit Bike Rally. Second Ride Meets at 801 Boozy Creek Rd at Peacemakers Club House rolling to the Snake Pit Bike Rally. Third Ride Meet Red Rum MC at Blackwolf Harley Davidson at 1pm.
Food Vendor: Big Boy Pop Ups (everything from BBQ, Tacos, Fries, Slaw, Fish, etc... Outstanding Food)
Dessert Vendor: The Rustic Gypsy Baking Company (the best cookies and brownies)
For you ladies: Bad Moon Silver Company
Friday June 10th - Concert First Band Lynnae Moon - Second Band Some Old Friends,
Saturday June 11th - Concert First Band Saul Brooks Solo - Second Band Citizen Kane
On Saturday there will be bike games, and fireworks.
Sunday June 12th Church under the big tent with Chaplin Jimmy
You can start to load in on Thursday after 5pm
Useless Facts:
1. In 2016, Mozart sold more CDs than Beyonce.
2. Slinkies are 82 feet long.
3. Most car horns are in the key of F.
4. Riding roller coasters can help you pass kidney stones.
5. “Dreamt” is the only word in the English language that ends with “mt.”
6. Jupiter is twice as large as all the other planets combined.
7. A pig’s orgasm lasts for 30 minutes.
8. The Super Soaker was designed and invented by a NASA engineer.
9. In ancient Egypt, priests plucked EVERY hair from their bodies, including their eyebrows and eyelashes.
10. Your body contains about 100,000 miles of blood vessels.
11. New Jersey grows two-thirds of the world’s eggplants.
12. Ravens know when someone is spying on them
13. The first email was sent by Ray Tomlinson to himself in 1971.
14. You are 13.8 percent more likely to die on your birthday.
15. The flea can jump 350 times its body length.
Local Events:
1. Bonnaroo June 16th – 19th Manchester, TN
2. Bugtussle Meadow Mayhem June 11th
1. 8th Annual Snake Pit Bike Rally June 10th to June 12th Shady Valley TN
2. Warrensburg Bike Rally June 3rd – 13th Warrensburg NY
3. June Bug Boogies June 16th – 19th
4. Indian Motorcycle Pow Wow Maggie Valley NC June 16th – 19th
5. Thunder In The Smokies June 24th – 26
These 3 rides all end at the Snake Pit Rally in Shady Valley TN
1. Meet Buddy Shafer at Tulips at 12 noon KSU 12:30 then 19E Pit Stop then roll to the Snake Pit Rally in Shady Valley
2. Meet at 801 Boozy Creek at Peacemakers Club House rolling to the Snake Pit Rally in Shady Valley
3. Meet Redrum at Blackwolf at 1pm rolling to the Snake Pit Rally in Shady Valley
Bike Night:
1. Kingsport Moose Riders Every Wednesday
2. 19E Pit Stop Every Wednesday
3. Quaker Steak & Lube Every Thursday
4. Tulips Grub & Pub Every Friday
5. Peacemakers Bike Night 801 Boozy Creek Every 3rd Friday of each month
6. East Coast Wings Every Wednesday
7. Dog Tag Brigade Every Wednesday at Jonesborough VFW
8. The Pub Out Back Every Monday